Knowledge capability benchmarking

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What is knowledge capability benchmarking?

To be part of an adaptive, smart, and sustainable organisation, you need the right knowledge and the capability to use it effectively.

We leverage alkAme’s award-winning K-CORE framework to gather information across 500+ maturity points and provide deep insight into your organisation’s knowledge activities and knowledge management capabilities.

You will receive standardised benchmark results as well as tangible, practical recommendations for knowledge management initiatives that are tailored to your organisation’s specific situation and needs.

What improvements can be expected?

Implementing the recommendations of this benchmarking exercise will:

  • reduce the costs of running your organisation
  • increase the value of your organisation’s outputs
  • make your organisation more successful at creating innovations and putting them into practice
  • allow your organisation to identify, anticipate and react to internal and external environmental changes

Why is the K-CORE approach so effective?

The K-CORE framework is unique in its provision of a comprehensive process to assess all recognised variables that affect an organisation’s knowledge capabilities, and to tie these assessment results to recommendations for action.

How long does the process take?

The whole process from initial kick-off through to the presentation of benchmarking results and recommendations will take between 2 to 6 months, depending on the size and complexity of the organisation, the level of management urgency, and staff resourcing availability.

How are recommendations handled?

Our recommendations will always be tangible and achievable. Our goal is to empower organisations to take action. Organisations are encouraged to set their own priorities for implementation.

While we warrant that we can lead or support the implementation of any recommendations we make, we can also simply advise and mentor as requested.

How do I find out more?

Contact knowquestion to arrange a free initial consultation on scope, timing, availability, and price.

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